Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Featured: Man's Best Friend

A dog is a man's best friend.

These lines are way too common you probably thought you are having ear worm for hearing this a couple of times especially coming from dog lovers. It is hard to explain the special connection that links dogs to humans; how these animals could love their human friends a whole lot more than themselves, and how humans can love them almost as equally as they do.

We heard stories about this kind of relationships between men and dogs, stories of their amazing friendship, how each become a part of each other's families and lives, as well, stories of how the other rescued the other from either accident or loneliness... such special things.

Reading this certain blog on Robyn Arouty tugged my heartstrings. Not in a way that because it is really dramatic or too tragic or effectively written and photographed (but maybe that helped to overflow my emotions), but simply because it gave me an insight on what there is in a dog's mind before he actually dies.

You can see it for yourselves in this link:

It made me miss my boy a lot more. He just died three days ago, but oh, how I miss his barking. Some people may think that this kind of binding between a dog and a human is too exaggerated. I even react like that sometimes when I watch people on TV who spend too much money for sending their dogs on spas or buying them some cute outfits, but then, I simply understand the feeling to be so attached to these pets, treating them a part of your family, like a brother or your own baby.... That feeling that shall remain all along with the memories you shared together.

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