Saturday, January 3, 2015

Point-Of-View: Love and Material Things

Seen this picture on Facebook? It was posted by Virgin Radio Lebanon page and I was a little blown away by the comments I have read. Well, of course, my little devilish side always crave on slapping people back to their senses.

But instead of joining the argument, I just shared the picture and there is where I put my comments about it that goes like this:

There is something trivial about love such as the relation of material things in it. Well, we obviously knew that not a material thing can equalize love, nor money can buy love. And of course, these do not guarantee that anyone who gives you an ice cream, flowers, necklaces or rings. But then, for all the true lovers out there, we tend to provide the people we love with these material things (or any other things) not to buy their love or blind them with money you've got or you can afford, but it is simply because you want to make them happy through these. Maybe it seems too shallow, but what we always target is the pleasant surprise in their eyes or the smile on their faces- that is how much we love them. We don't have to play saints, we have to admit that we live in this world and that somehow we also want a solid, material evidence of our love for them or a material thing that expresses our feelings, just like why wedding rings are made of, or necklaces or friendship bracelets. It does not equalize the love we feel, but at least, these makes our loved ones happy and feel appreciated, we want to make them feel that we don't regret and we are willing to spend money on them and these things become a solid representation of it, of our love, something that whenever we cannot express love due to distance or our absence, looking at these things will always remind them of our love.  

[I really have to make a long comment like this due to the comments in this picture. I don't know why people have to be so negative just to show off how smart they are when it is already the obvious that no material thing can equalize or guarantee love.  ]

(c)OriginalAS/Anamarie Soya

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